Kave: Warriors of Etlon Book 3 Page 5
Humility collapsed boneless on top of him. Moments later, she found herself lulled to sleep by his slowing heartbeat.
Chapter Twelve
Things were going better than expected. Especially considering he’d earlier thought Humility dead and eaten. Instead, he was one that had done the eating. He tried to suppress his grin, he really did.
Humility was curled up half on top of him. Even in her sleep, she had been cautious of his wound. Kave ran his fingers over the scar that had formed where the knife had punctured. It was puckered and slightly angry, but definitely past any danger. He could easily work through the pain. His warrior training would see to that.
He carefully shrugged his mate off of him and stood. The stretch felt good and it gave him an opportunity get his bearings. He thanked the Mahdfel genetic engineering that gave him an innate sense of direction. He hadn’t exactly been paying attention to the way back when he’d charged through the woods like an angry sarskling. They hadn’t wandered too far from the transporter, perhaps a half hour in a straight path.
Humility was beautiful with hair the color of a larshing tree and skin that was a pale cream all over. He knew Terrans came in all shades of brown and tan, and that many of the females liked to sit outside on the beach in very little clothing, but even with the tree cover, her skin was turning pink from the sun already. They needed to leave before her delicate skin burned but that could wait a few minutes more while he admired her firm breasts and rounded hips. Those were good Mahdfel-bearing hips. Was she carrying his child already? With any luck, he’d planted a child on their first union.
His cock was hard again. Yesterday, he’d only taken the edge off his lust, not sated it completely, and watching her had put him on edge again. Kave longed to take her in a proper bed back in camp where he could spend hours enjoying his new mate and discovering what made her scream the loudest, to pay back all those other warriors who’d been taunting him with the screams of their mates. It would hardly be equal, though, considering they could just run back to their mates for release, while he had been forced to take matters into his own hand.
But when they got back to camp, his subordinates would no doubt keep him busy for hours before he got back to Humility. To that end, it wouldn’t hurt to relieve the tension once more in the jungle.
Kave sat down next to her, and played with her nipple. He loved the way it tightened under his fingers and made her breath catch in her sleep. He slid his fingers down her stomach, marveling at the sight of his green fingers against her creamy skin, and stopped just before the patch of fur at her thighs. He leaned over and kissed her stomach, leaving a trail that went up between her breasts to her neck as his fingers slowly parted the way, following the line of her pussy lips, but not going any deeper in. Humility spread her legs, opening herself for him, but he continued his slow, simple petting of her outer lips.
Kave moved his attentions back to her breasts, putting first one nipple and then the other into his mouth. She whimpered and rose up to meet him as he continued to swirl his tongue around one of the tight buds.
It seemed like forever before her eyes finally opened and Kave slid his finger deeper, into her wet folds, pressing patiently on her clit.
“What are you doing?” Humility asked.
“I was about to give you an orgasm. You know, like this?” His finger rounded her primed button once and she gasped. “Is that acceptable to you?”
She said nothing, so Kave took that as a sign she needed another demonstration. He slipped a finger inside her and then circled her clit a few more times.
“Oh God!”
“You want me to continue?”
“Don’t you dare stop!”
He didn’t. Instead, he claimed her mouth and let out subsequent screams of his own, while her body tightened around him. He pushed her over the edge once and then again. Soon, his finger was no longer enough for either of them.
Kave sat back on his knees and pulled her to him, settling her easily onto his cock. Their joining was more frantic than before, less careful. With his hands on her hips, he controlled the thrusts and despite his desire to stay inside her for a multitude more of orgasms, it only took one thrust before he was groaning and spilling his seed inside her.
When he stood, taking her with him, Humility was startled. He didn’t hold her there long, instead, sitting, his back against a tree, still completely erect inside her.
“You’re still hard.”
“You’re still wet.”
“That’s not what- Earth guys, once they, you know, they… deflate. Unless they take some sort of pill.”
Kave only half followed what she was saying, but he’d heard enough Terran-side chatter to know that Terran women were generally impressed with Mahdfel stamina.
“Mahdfel do not need pills.” Kave couldn’t stop himself from asking. “Do you have much experience with Earth males?”
“No. Just one. He- let’s just say he doesn’t hold a candle to you.”
“I’m not familiar with that expression.”
“From start to finish, he was done in five minutes.”
“Ah. That’s not optimal, I assume.”
“Far from it. This is a funny conversation to be having while you’re still inside me.”
“Do you want me to withdraw?”
Humility leaned over and kissed him. “I like having you inside me.”
Kave grinned.
“My what sharp teeth you have.”
He looked at Hue, concern mounting, but she was still relaxed against him. She simply poked him in the chest with her finger.
“You bit me last night.”
“Yes. I suppose I did not explain it well. That is what releases the chemicals. The healing ones.”
It was a half truth, and he hoped she wouldn’t press too much.
“Oh, so will you bite me every time?”
“Not unless you want me to.”
He pulled her close and raked his fangs along the side of her neck, careful not to break her sensitive skin. Hue gasped and he felt her clench his cock tightly in reaction. Kave lifted her slightly and then dropped her, giving her about an inch of thrust. The sound of her gasp told him she was more than ready for more. He asked all the same.
“Would you like me to do that again?”
She didn’t look at him, but replied, “Yes, please. Deeper. Harder.”
Kave had no problem pleasing his new mate. This time, he laid her down on the forest floor, her legs wrapping tightly around his hips. He gave her exactly what she ordered: his cock, deeper, harder. In only a few strokes, she cried out, loud enough to startle the whole forest around them into a moment of silence, but Kave, on his third release, was no longer bound by the immediacy of need. He continued to thrust and Humility continued to spasm around his cock. Kave took his mate and gloried in how she dug her nails into his back, his shoulders, his ass. He’d be covered with little half moons for hours afterward. He would love to walk into camp like that, covered in her marks.
It almost made up for how long it had taken to get her here. Not quite, but his thoughts were finally overtaken. That primal need to empty himself inside her, to give her the child they would love and cherish together, sprung up from his bones and with a few more satisfying plunges, he found his release, spurting his seed deep inside her again.
Kave stood and pulled on his shorts. He looked down at his mate, breasts still rising and falling, coated with a fine sheen, her legs spread open invitingly. He could take her again, but that would be irresponsible. Besides, he wanted to claim her in his own bed. There were still risks to consider out here in the wilds of Noven 90.
Basking in the afterglow of multiple orgasms, Humility finally realized that he was now dressed and staring down at her. He recognized her self consciousness hitting as her hand flittered back and forth over her stomach, not quite sure what to cover. She sat up and Kave began handing her the various bits of clothing she had discarded as sh
e scrambled to put them on.
When she stood beside him, fully dressed, Kave realized that their sense of intimacy was gone somehow, and she’d put a wall between them. He had no idea what to say to tear it back down.
“Wow, that little trick of yours really worked. It totally sounded like a line. I was skeptical, but you weren’t kidding.”
“Etlonians do not lie.” They only told half truths.
“They are just late.”
“If you had died, I would have gutted the creature that did it, then taken my own life.” That was not a half truth.
“Uh huh, fat lot of good it would do me. I’d still be dead.”
“But you are not.” Kave was extremely proud of his mate, though there was something in her look that reminded him of the way Athen looked at him when he was slightly angry at him. He did not want his mate angry. He wanted her smiling with her legs wrapped around his hips.
“Shall we go?”
Humility reached for her pack, but Kave took it before she could pick it up.
“I can carry my own stuff.”
“I don’t doubt your ability, but we will move faster this way.”
“I can keep up.”
Kave decided that diplomacy was the best way to win this argument, and said nothing. He simply started off in the direction of the shuttle. Humility tried admirably. Her small human frame wasn’t built for climbing through brush and hanging onto limbs. His was. His people had been taken from jungles and genetically modified to perform even better. Furthermore, he had had years of hard training to hone his skills. Humility had not.
When they got to the pad about an hour later, Humility’s shirt was sticking to her breasts in a most appealing manner. Kave had to stop himself from pulling her into his arms and licking the bead of perspiration that was making its way down her neck.
He opened up the hatch and assisted her in. “I’ll be right back.”
Kave sprinted down the path to the pad, but rather than find it empty, there was an unfamiliar and rather annoyed Etlonian there.
“You’re late. Is this outpost always late? I would see your commander at once.”
Kave nearly socked the insolence right out of him, but that was Athen’s way. Also, this one bore the insignia of a medic. He might be Mahdfel, but he was no warrior. Punching him would be like punching one of the females. Kave said nothing. He just grabbed Humility’s case and headed back to the shuttle. The medic followed.
Chapter Thirteen
Humility hadn’t quite got the handle of Kave yet. One minute, he was a vitally wounded soldier and the next, a sex crazed hottie capable of touching off orgasms that Hue hadn’t thought possible. She was too old to believe that teenage shit about magical men and their ways to send ladies to the moon. But there she’d gone.
And once he’d sated his lust, he was the picture of silent civility. There was no chatter, or attempts at kisses. It was all stepping over tree trunks and shoving branches back way further than he would need to just to clear for himself. She knew that there was no actual way she could keep up with Kave at top speed, but he kept them going, indirectly assisting her, and keeping his hands politely to himself.
Hue didn’t know why she was disappointed. After all, a romp in the jungle to save his life was not a lifelong commitment, and she’d known that going in. The least he could do was pretend that he was interested in doing more than just screwing her. Not one to mince words, Humility planned to tell him just that after he got back to the ship with her bag.
But he wasn’t alone. There was another Mahdfel with him. Also green and bald, but not as tall or muscular as Kave. He looked at her like he was doing long term division in his head. Kave closed the hatch and turned to stare at the two of them. The other warrior had taken a seat across from her and Kave was nothing but frowns.
“Humilty. Would you like to sit up front with me?” The cockpit was cramped and she’d probably end up sitting on his lap or some such nonsense. Even with the space between them now, she felt drawn back to him. Like he was an angel food cake, she’d eat in one sitting, if she weren’t careful. Just the thought of sitting on top of him again made her swell in private places.
“No, thank you.”
Another pointed stare at the other Mahdfel and he went up to the cockpit. It wasn’t like they were alone. It was a clear shot through the doorway and he’d be able to hear everything. That wouldn’t stop Humility from making polite conversation (i.e. milking) this new stranger for all the information he was worth.
“Hi. My name’s Humility.”
“Modesty. Meekness. Diffidence.”
“Uh, don’t let the name fool you. My mother was hoping for the best, but got it a bit wrong.”
“Mine too. People call me Scrubs. Doctor Scrubs.”
“Scrubs. That’s quite a name for a Mahdfel.”
“My Mahdfel name is difficult for Terrans, so during my residency at Shackleton Crater Lunar Base-”
“You’ve lived on the moon!”
“A short residency, but yes, they gave me the name Scrubs, because a name that translates loosely to ‘He Who Rips Out Golden Lizards’ Throats with His Teeth’ is not a comforting name for a doctor.”
Kave snorted from the cockpit. Humility ignored him. “What kind of doctor are you?”
“I now specialize in Terran births. There seems to be a great need for it here on this colony, although it would have been better to genetically diversify.” He said that loud enough for Kave to hear it clearly. Scrubs sniffed in her direction. “And you are already mated.”
A low growl from the cockpit.
“I, too, am mated,” Scrubs said in a raised voice, clearly for Kave’s benefit. That news seemed to settle Kave. That irked Humility a bit. She’d heard that mated Mahdfel didn’t stray. They plastered it all over the propaganda posters, but having met her second alien, who was nearly as hot as the first, it seemed a little short sighted to limit her potential suitors. After all, it seemed that Kave was losing interest fast.
“Her name is Clover,” Scrubs continued. “She would have come with me, but it is not safe for her to take a transport, and I was informed that my skills were needed immediately.”
“How nice. So how did you two meet? Was it a lottery match?”
“No, it was a love match. Sometimes these warriors are too caught up in themselves to appreciate the power of expressing their feelings aloud.”
“I don’t know. I’ve only ever met one alien.” Humility gestured up to Kave.
“You needn’t worry. He will open up eventually, but trust the Mahdfel bond. He would die for you.”
There was something about the toothy and reassuring smile on his face that didn’t feel right. After an awkward pause, Scrubs searched for something else to say.
“Are you expecting?”
“Expecting what?”
“Motherhood comes with many blessings.”
“Hold it right there, Doc. I’m not pregnant. What makes you think I’m pregnant.”
“It is clear you are freshly mated. And this is a mating colony, is it not?”
“A mating colony?”
“Clover says that when a Terran female repeats something, that she is distressed. Would you like a glass of cold water?”
Humility wasn’t sure where he planned to get this water, but right now, she was not in the mood to be treated like a brood mare.
“What makes you think I’ve been freshly mated?”
Scrubs opened his mouth and shut it again. Then he stared at the wall.
“Well, Doc?”
“Clover says that when I can’t think of anything to reduce your stress that silence is the best answer.”
“And did she tell you that you should never ask a woman if she’s pregnant unless she volunteers that information?”
“No, but I am a specialist in Terran pregnancy. It would be awkward if I could not ask my patients about their maternity status.”r />
“I’m not your patient.”
“You are Terran and you are mated, thus under my purview.”
“You’ve got a lot to learn about women.”
“Clover says-”
“Clover is not the expert on all Terran women.”
“Clover is beyond reproach.”
“This Clover and I need to have a chat.”
“She is very good at chatting.”
Humility closed her eyes and leaned back in the seat. He took the hint and did the same, leaving the rest of the journey in silence. She got the feeling that Kave was anxiously keeping an eye on the two of them, as if he were waiting for Scrubs to jump her so he’d get a chance to come to her rescue. Humility didn’t need rescuing. Her three day stint in the jungle had proved it. She was a survivor, and in less time than she could have imagined, she’d developed an out. If the worst came, she’d head into the jungle and make a life for herself out there.
The ship settled down outside a compound that had been carved out of the jungle next to the beach. It was full of women, Earth girls. Some of them played on the beach, others were watching a big vid screen off in one end. If there weren’t bald green aliens everywhere, Humility would have thought she’d been dropped in some tropical vacation resort.
None of the women were showing yet. By the way Scrubs had been making small talk, she had half expected the entire camp to be waddling around.
Instead, a short round woman with a big smile and a tall dark bobbed Amazon of a woman approached. There was a wariness in their behavior as if they didn’t know whether she was going to cry, run or hug them. Humility suspected that new arrivals did an equal amount of all three.
“Jane!” Kave shouted with a bright smile on his face. He gave Humility a little shove forward. “I have a mate! She stabbed me!”
He pointed to the scar on his torso. Jane’s eyes widened and her muscles tensed. Great way to make a first impression. The other woman’s smile got larger… too large.