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- Abigail Myst
Snowed in With the Alien Doctor
Snowed in With the Alien Doctor Read online
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Additional Titles
About the Author
Snowed in With the Alien Doctor: Warlord Brides
Warriors of Etlon Book 2
Starr Huntress
Abigail Myst
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Additional Titles
About the Author
The Story So Far
When aliens arrived on Earth, it happened with an invasion—just like the sci-fi movies taught us to expect.
The vicious Suhlik meant to enslave Earth and rob her of her resources. Only the Mahdfel warriors were able to stand against them.
Once the slaves of the Suhlik, the Mahdfel won their freedom. But as a lingering reminder of their oppression at the hands of the Suhlik they are unable to have female children.
Now, in exchange for the protection of Earth, the hunky alien warriors demand
only one price: Every childless, single and otherwise healthy woman on Earth is tested for genetic compatibility for marriage with a Mahdfel warrior. If the match is 98.5% or better, the bride is instantly teleported away to her new mate.
No exceptions.
Chapter One
Clover was not having a good day and it was only getting worse. It wasn’t anything in particular that went wrong, just little things driving her batty. For example, there was a certain undeniable thud-thud sound coming from somewhere within the walls of her ship and she just couldn’t figure out the cause. It was irregular enough that by the time she heard it and tried to track it down, it stopped, not sounding again until long after. After crouching with her ear craned to the wall for half an hour, she stood up and then it sounded again. Clover was about ready to start tearing off wall panels.
The temperature gauge on the life support unit was off, too. It was just slightly too warm, which wasn’t bad when she only carried cargo and she could hang out in her skivvies, but it was entirely unprofessional to go around wearing next to nothing when she was carrying passengers.
She preferred cargo, which was another thing that bothered her. She had a six week contract all lined up, right in a nice cold zone, far away from any Suhlik activity, but about five minutes ago, she’d gotten a message saying ‘thanks, but no thanks’ from the scurvy cargo manager. She was on her way to give him a piece of her mind. He was a slug, both figuratively and practically literally. His yellow skin was covered in slime and when he got nervous, he was a walking, stinking booger.
Clover preferred to message him when possible rather than meet in person, but this required a personal touch. The a-hole thought he could cancel her contract at a minute’s notice. That violated about five Mahdfel codes alone. The Mahdfel were very big on honoring commitments. The tall, sexy aliens that guarded most of the space stations and outposts in this sector were actually relatively easy to deal with once you got over their macho bullshit.
Shit. That had Clover thinking of the other thing that had been bothering her - one hot, sexy Mahdfel in particular. He was definitely trouble. When she’d set out on her own, as a captain making mostly cargo runs, she’d made a few rules for herself. The first was not to be afraid to say ‘no’. The second was not to mess with the Mahdfel, or more accurately, mess around with the Mahdfel. Human and well, most other alien male species were fine for a quick screw and a good time when she was in a particular port, but the Mahdfel didn’t do quick screws. They mated for life.
She really hadn’t worried about them until this morning. Usually, one sniff and the Mahdfel was ready to move on to business. Somehow they could smell if you were a mating match. It was weird, Clover had to admit, but it was so much simpler when she could just let them get a good whiff and then be satisfied.
But the mint green, bald-headed Mahdfel she’d collided with hadn’t bothered sniffing. One second, he was catching her and pulling her into his arms and the next, his mouth was glued to hers. And what a mouth it was. Clover lit up like a string of lights and for a moment, matched the thrust of his tongue with just as much eagerness.
It wasn’t until people in the corridor started to hoot and holler that she realized she was putting on quite a display. For his part, when he finally let up the kiss, he looked as stunned as she was. It was impossible for her to miss his gigantic hard on pressed against her, either. For a moment, she considered inviting him back to her ship and seeing that monster in person but then it clicked: Mahdfel didn’t sleep around. They picked a woman and then had babies with her - lots of Mahdfel sons. That was not what Clover wanted to do with her life.
At least when she pulled away, as he reached for another kiss, he let her go. Clover tried not to run, she really did, but he’d been running through her brain ever since. And if she didn’t get this cargo from Sluggo, there was a chance that she’d run into him again. No, it was safer to get the cargo, and run, and then spend the next month using her trusty vibrator and her imagination.
Clover ignored the fact that she was getting wet just thinking about Greeny and approached her target, Sluggo. His real name was actually Soldoggo, but she renamed considering his slimy appearance. A glance at her and his body began to excrete profuse amounts of slime. It stank. It also meant he was really nervous about something.
“What. The. Hell.” Clover crossed her arms and said nothing more. He knew exactly what she was talking about.
“Not my fault. Blame the Mahdfel. Not my fault. Cargo’s already loaded and gone. But got another job,” he stammered, the word ‘job’ coming out as blob as a glob of slime rolled past his lips. She stepped out the way to avoid getting splattered.
“What do you mean?”
“Trip to Terra. Moon Base. High priority passenger.”
Trips to her home planet were few and far between from this region of space. It was about three weeks out in her ship and anyone who was anyone chose to use one of the faster, more heavily armed Mahdfel ships to make a journey so close to the Suhlik corridor. It wasn’t exactly a hot zone, but it wasn’t chilly either.
“That’s the wrong direction.”
“Take it or leave it. Also, a cargo’s waiting for your return trip, too. Something late, I think. Carbon late.”
“That makes no sense,” Clover stated. Sometimes, they heard a word in English and the translators mucked it up when they tried to repeat it without direct translation.
“Take or leave. I’d take. Lots of cash.”
He handed over the pad with the figures. She took the non-slimy end and read it upside down. Yeah, that was a lot of credits. Nearly double what her original load was going to be. It would give her enough of a cushion in case that thud-thud turned out to be something super serious.
“Take. Send me the deets. But don’t think I won’t report this if this passenger turns out to be an asshole.”
“Already done.” Sluggo grimaced, and Clover tried not to gag. She turned and headed back to her ship.
Clover’s eyes were peeled for Greenie and she was ready to sprint the other way at the slightest glance, so of course she spotted him immediately once she entered the docking port area. Her Mahdfel
was standing right out in front of her ship. She was going to have to go through him to board. Shit.
Chapter Two
Orth burned for her. Honestly, when he’d heard other warriors speak of their passion for their mates, he’d been skeptical, but just one touch had him muddling colors on his skin and muddling words in his brain.
And he had an excellent brain. The warriors of Etlon were not known for their brute strength or absolute stamina as other Mahdfel were. They were slighter, and possessed agility and swiftness. Although he was just as skilled a warrior as the rest of his class, he had been selected to be a medic. Many of the warriors looked down upon medics as inferior, but he knew the truth. Only he would be trusted with the delicate handling of their tender mates.
Up until the moment he met his, he had been pondering his options. In which planet did he want to specialize? There were quite a number of appealing options. Tablena females were tall and a pale yellow that was pleasing to the eye. While not known for their beauty, Garven females were sturdy and bore many sons, and there was also the opportunity to be stationed on Garven, a lush verdant planet with purple skies and three moons. Now, he had his eyes set on Terra, a small, insignificant blue planet on the fringe of Mahdfel space with females that were short and shades of dull browns. It would not have been his first pick if it weren’t for his new fascination with the woman he had to have.
Visually, she was appealing and the lack of interesting pigments in Terran skin didn’t seem to bother him with Clover. She had brilliant blue eyes and a light cream complexion. Her hair was a platinum color with hints of the palest yellow. It was short for a Terran woman, but it framed her face in a way that made Orth want to wrap his hand in it and pull her mouth closer for another kiss.
Even from this spot where he waited, he could smell her scent. He hadn’t wanted to wash his hands. The sample was too contaminated to get an accurate DNA reading but his nose told him she was a near perfect match. Clover, a name that evoking a field of flowers. Her scent was that and more - freshly roasted frag cheese over the fire, a hint of peppermint, and something else he couldn’t identify. He’d been pondering it over for hours. He couldn’t get near her ship without getting hard.
He’d tried switching it off, going into his clinical doctoral brain, but nothing, even running through seven different species autopsies, could turn the heat off of his cock. His body wanted nothing more than to bury his cock deep inside her and bite into her neck as his body claimed her for his own. It was nearly overpowering.
He’d been minding his own business, taking a few laps around the station. He wasn’t the only Mahdfel that ran regularly. Generally, others just got out of a Mahdfel’s way if he came barrelling down the hallway, but not his mate. She just appeared out of nowhere and with his quick reflexes, he was able to grab her before she hit the floor in a tangled heap. He had inhaled as she hit him and that warm hint of a scent that he’d been experiencing over the past few days came at him full force. She was his and that was the end of any argument. He had pressed his mouth to her and laid claim to her. He would have claimed her fully, right there and then, had they not drawn an audience. They had distracted him long enough for him to realize that she was no longer quite as willing as before.
Alien females could be particular about finding their mates and being properly introduced in much less carnal ways than they had experienced. She’d run the moment he’d placed her on her feet and it had taken every solid fiber of his mind not to give chase. That was not the way. The Mahdfel did not take an unwilling mate. He would sever his own head before he ever harmed or let harm come to her.
He’d spent most of the morning tracking down information about her. As a female medic specialist, he’d recognized her species, of course, and that made it quite easy. There were very few unmated females running around on the station, just one in fact. To his grand turmoil, she had been due to leave the station in a few hours. Something had to be done immediately. He lacked the resources, but not the brainpower. The com conversation with Etlon had been quicker than he’d estimated.
“Relay the message. I will specialize in Terran females,” he told his commander. Once his training was complete, he would be placed with a clan high in Terran female matches, or stationed on Etlon, where he could service many clans at once from a central location. He wondered which Clover would prefer, to live in a big city or be nearer her own kind. Although she would not have much choice in the matter, her opinion already mattered to him.
“Terran? A moment.”
He sat by the view screen for a moment, the fear that his choice would be rejected spiralling in his stomach. When Etlon of Etlon appeared on the screen, he actually stopped breathing for a moment.
“My son has recently been matched with a Terran. Your marks are high. I find you acceptable, if he wishes you to join his clan.”
He couldn’t manage more than a nod. That was all the highest warrior on his planet needed before the screen blinked back to the standard emblem. A few searches later and he discovered Athen, son of Etlon, was currently stationed on an outpost at the extreme edge of Mahdfel territory, far, far away from any possible danger. It was the perfect spot to raise a family.
He did not believe in fate.
No, he did not believe in fate.
Orth closed his eyes for a long moment and when he opened them again, Clover was coming straight toward him.
“Excuse me. You’re kinda in the way of my ship.”
He had practiced what to say. Really, he had. He’d start off with something nice. Something factual, but safe. What a nice ship she had. Terran females loved that sort of thing, or so his research told him. But when he opened his mouth, he made the mistake of breathing in her scent and then? Then things did not go as planned.
“My mate.”
“Your mate? Your mate what? Your mate does not have to know about that little extra hello in the hallway earlier, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No. You.”
“Fine, blame me. But I’ve got to get going. I’ve got things to do.”
“I-” He needed to start over. “I am-” he repeated his name for her in his native tongue, in Etlonian. He did not speak it much, the language of his home where his mother had seen her entire family taken and slaughtered. “Orth Suhlatarnitombar.” He hadn’t meant to, but the back of his brain just wanted to whisper to her all the lovely things he wanted to do, to give her, to-
Clover laughed. He tried not to take offense. Honestly, he was happy she was not horrified.
“Really?” she asked.
He repeated it again, basking in the fact that he had her full attention and she was no longer trying to run away.
“He Who Tears Out Suhlik Throats With His Teeth, eh? Well, ain’t that a mouthful.”
“It is not as long in my species’ tongue.”
“Really. I wouldn’t have guessed. You mom must have had some issues… or really high hopes. Have you?”
“Only four. I did not use my teeth. Most of my time has been spent in studies.” He felt the need to explain why he did not have thousands of Suhlik dead to his credit. He had been in battle early, and had distinguished himself with the number of Mahdfel he had saved in the field and the cool head he exhibited under pressure. It was one of the reasons he had earned the privilege of specialized training.
“Well, nice to meet you, Teeth Tearer Throat Outer.”
“I am an obstetrician.”
She froze, as if that was some sort of joke then realized that Mahdfel were not prone to humor. Then, she giggled. It was an enchanting sound. He should not be so enchanted.
“I bet that goes over real well with the ladies.”
“You will be my mate.”
Her giggling stopped immediately. Her amusement melted away and he wanted to replace it with something less than a slight look of horror. His own frustration flushed onto his skin.
“Please,” he added.
“I’m not really in the market right now.”
“We are a perfect match. I will get a DNA sample to prove it to you.”
“I don’t have to submit to the Lottery for another ten months, thank you very much.”
He had not submitted to the lottery. It made no sense to have a mate until he was settled. It was sooner than planned but it was inevitable and he was not willing to risk that she would find a higher match with some other warrior. It was unthinkable.
“Ten months or ten minutes, we will match.”
“Look. I’m a space cargo captain. I have a ship. I travel. That’s what I do. This kind of life doesn’t come with strings. And honestly, I’m not ready to settle down. So thanks, but no thanks.”
With that, she swiveled around him, coming so close to him that, for a moment, he couldn’t breathe. The portal to her ship slammed shut before he had the wits to take in a breath and nonetheless tell her that he was her new passenger.
Chapter Three
In less than a minute of conversation, that man, or alien, Teeth Ripper, had her imagining that he was ripping off her panties with those teeth and diving straight in. He was hot from his flustered demeanor to his skin that rippled colors as he spoke. Clover wanted to explore that bald head and see if it changed colors when she touched it. She wanted to wrap her hands around that hard on pressing out his pants and—
No. Clover actually slapped herself on the cheek. No, that would not do. The minute he got her panties off, he’d think he owned her.
And she didn’t want to go through that again.
Her father and then her “uncle” were enough to end that little desire. She could survive on her own, thank you very much.