Kave: Warriors of Etlon Book 3 Read online

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  “Here,” she said, thrusting a gift bag in her direction. “Welcome to Noven 90. We’ve put together a few niceties as a welcome gift. It’s got some chocolate in there. Not real chocolate, so don’t let it melt before you eat it and don’t try to cook with it. You’ll regret it, I swear. I tried. Doesn’t work.” She glanced at Kave briefly, her condemnation of him palpable.

  Humility took the gift slowly. Jane still looked as if she was expecting Hue to explode and go all stabby stabby on her compatriot.

  “It was an accident. I thought he was my lunch’s mama. He came out of the bushes like a maniac.”

  “He seems to have forgiven you.”

  “Nothing to forgive. My mate is strong and smart, like Jane.”

  “Yeah, because every girl likes to be compared to a special forces bad ass!” The short one’s smile was completely gone and all her anger was directed at Kave. “These warriors are so dumb sometimes. They don’t realize how not to be a dick.”

  “She seemed very appreciative of my… dick.” Kave crossed his arms defensively, then repeated the word to himself. “Dick. Dick. Dick.”

  Hue just took off toward camp. It didn’t take a mirror to know she was the color of a lobster. The problem was that she had no idea where she was going. A group of women were gathered around some tables. Once they saw her, Hue could sense they were about to approach en masse. It was not at all what Hue needed right now.

  “This way,” Jane said from behind her, “unless you want to meet the mob.” Jane headed off to one of the white cubicles that looked so out of place in the wild jungle.

  “Look, I’m not gonna sugar coat it. They’ll die for you, but they are stubborn and hard headed.”

  Jane waved her hand at the door and the door curtain parted. Once inside, Hue saw a large, one bedroom suite with a bathroom off to the side. A table with two chairs and a desk with a computer terminal took up another corner. There was nothing personal or individual to mark it as anything but a hotel room, a basic one at that.

  “Get comfortable. Take your time. It’s an adjustment that all of us had to go through. Some are easier than others.”


  “Kave is sweet. He wants everyone to be happy. That’s the problem. Not everyone is going to be happy here. And girls are not just a foreign species here. They are a complete mystery to them, whatever they pretend. My husband, Zenik, and I are a work in progress. We’re still working out our issues. You and Kave just got started.”

  “He seems to prefer you to me.”

  “That’s where you are wrong. My female parts may as well be invisible to him. Around here, you gotta do you. And me? I’ve always been the ‘punch it in the balls first and ask questions later’ kind of individual. The Mahdfel respect that. But if you try to do me, you’ll probably get yourself killed.”

  There was something in Jane’s voice that told Humility not to question further. Instead, Jane showed her how to use the toilet and shower, made her polite goodbyes and left her to unpack.

  Hue opened the gift first. The tissue paper on top seemed a bit silly, considering they were in the middle of an alien jungle, and it was just enough of a reminder of home to tighten Humility’s chest. She was not the kind to weep. There was a bar of chocolate, as promised. There were also a few little plastic jars with handmade labels: shampoo, hand lotion, sunscreen, and lotion for “down there.”

  “Oh for goodness sakes.” Her welcome pack came with lube. Humility could just imagine the conversation that went into that decision.

  She found some drawers and started sorting and unpacking her wardrobe. It would be quite thin unless she supplemented it. Most of her clothes were meant for keeping out ice and snow. The plants here didn’t look as if they’d ever seen a frost.

  Jane had said the Mahdfel tech made hot water an endless resource So Humility did not feel shame in staying in the hot stream of water, scrubbing off the jungle grime until she was a complete prune. With just a towel wrapped around her, she emerged and climbed into the bed. It was large, longer than a human bed, probably in order to support all the different Mahdfel frames. Kave’s people were on the small side for Mahdfel, or at least that’s what Humility had gathered after seeing vids of other aliens ranked against male human sizes. But small for Mahdfel was still large for humans.

  Humility was afraid the bed would swallow her up, but in no time at all, she drifted off into an old dream: her mother and father driving down the road in a beat up truck with the alien fog licking at their tires.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Kave should have punched the damn medic for that first moment of insolence back at the pad. Now, it just seemed too late. Now, it would look like jealousy. It would look like Kave could not control his temper. It would look like he had no idea how to control his men. No, instead of punching him into line as Athen would have done, Kave trailed after the medic, who charged off to Command, while also watching his mate follow Jane into his quarters.

  He’d already gotten off track with Humility and he wasn’t quite sure how. It soured his mood even further when he arrived into Command just in time for the medic to open his mouth.

  “Who’s in charge of this mess?”

  “Turn around.”

  The medic’s head to toe assessment of Kave clearly suggested a lack of regard for Kave.

  “You are in charge?” Another time, Kave would have slapped him but for now, Kave ignored the medic’s disrespectful tone.

  “You will find the clinic in perfect working order, ” Kave said, pointing to one of the newly expanded modules halfway across the quad.

  “I will need a Terran assistant. Female.”

  “Margot is a nurse. She has already made a few alterations for the comfort of pregnant Terrans.” Kave thought to warn the medic that calling her an assistant rather than an RN would get him an earful. Margot had been an ER nurse for ten years and would tell him how she had seen things that would’ve make his hair curl, if he had any damn hair. She'd earned the title, thank you very damn much. Kave kept his mouth shut instead.

  “And just so you know, I'm not the type to grant warriors exceptions for the comfort of their females,” the medic continued.

  The last straw. Kave grabbed the medic by his shirt collar. Thankfully, he was still wearing the deep-space uniform that included a shirt. Otherwise, Kave would have just grabbed him by the throat.

  “Are you calling my men cowards? I'll have you know that both my men and their mates are Suhlik slayers. Why Jane alone has at least five kills!”

  “No, Commander. I was just informed that it would happen. Has happened elsewhere,” Scrubs stammered, his bluster melting into thin air.

  “Well, it will not happen here.”


  Kave let go of his shirt. “Scrubs is a ridiculous name for a Mahdfel. You sound like a cleaner,” he told the medic.

  “It is a Terran medical term. The females like it. My mate… my wife likes it.”

  It was almost a dare to say something negative about his mate.

  Kave just gave him the universal dismissive head shake and the medic promptly left, which did not make Kave feel any better, even though it should have.

  His side itched from the stab wound, his Mahdfel cells trying desperately to heal the damage. If he scratched deep, it would heal completely, but Kave did nothing. He wanted that scar, craved the reminder of Humility on his skin.

  Goru sat silently at the com, trying to look anywhere but at Kave. He flashed a briefing up on the com and Kave turned his attention to his duty. There had been an increase in Suhlik activity around Etlon. He did not worry for the planet’s safety. It was well-defended and each Etlonian would fight to his dying breath. The Suhlik would have to be mad to attack a Mahdfel stronghold directly. But it did not bode well for the various ships, stations, and outposts under Mahdfel protection. These could be subjected to surprise attack or simply blown out of existence without warning. Noven 90 was so fa
r off the beaten path that it was highly unlikely the Suhlik would return.

  That didn’t stop Kave from drilling both his warriors and their mates for a possible invasion, especially when they were now the source for a weapon capable of melting a Suhlik’s scales. Athen’s mate, Odette, was the botanist that had come up with the formula. It was still in the secret weapon testing phase, but there were other laboratories and facilities that had taken over that work. As far as the Suhlik were concerned, Noven 90 had been a ruse set by Athen to lure and slaughter Suhlik, and they wouldn’t be fooled by rumors of its importance again.

  Work had a way of stacking up when one disappeared for a few days, and it was Kave’s sense of duty that kept him at the com for hours after he desired to visit his mate again. When he stepped outside and headed to his quarters, it was dark except for the stars to light the way.

  The sight of his mate on his bed asleep took his breath away. She was naked, except for a towel that had fallen away. It would take next to nothing to be inside her, but he was an attentive mate who could take his time.

  Kave stepped into the shower and was out in record time. Another glimpse of her took his cock from half mast to full in a heartbeat. He climbed onto the bed beside her, lying on his side, supporting his head with one hand and letting the other outline one beautiful breast then the other. Humility was perfect, as if she had been made for him. Memories of his past dreams were filled in with her face, her skin, as if he had never dreamed of anyone else.

  Kave plucked at her nipples, loving the way they turned into little peaks, and then made his way downward, swirling over her belly and finally to the apex of her thighs. As if she knew his plan, Humility parted her legs in her sleep allowing him access. Despite his erection, he was in no hurry. He had years to satisfy himself. Humility, on the other hand, he planned to satisfy as many times as possible before his next duty shift.

  Kave traced the lines of her nether lips, not pressing in to find the sweet honey, but just enough to hear Humility let out a little whimper, and instinctively open more for him. Another whimper and press of her hips and he dipped in, savoring the silky wetness that coated his finger. The desire to taste her became too much.

  Humility awoke when he shifted.

  “What are you doing?” she murmured, still half asleep.

  “I’d think that would be quite apparent.”

  “But you’re-”

  Humility didn’t finish that statement, as Kave ran his tongue along her wet folds. She was fully awake now.

  “Oh. My. Oh.” Kave set to work enjoying his mate. He lapped and swirled at her center, playing with her little nub until she was screaming in pleasure. Kave thrust his fingers inside her. He could feel her body clutching at him with every explosion of pleasure until he couldn’t wait one moment longer.

  Kave looked down at her once he had shifted, his cock waiting impatiently at her entrance.

  “Shall I do that every night?”

  “Every night?”

  “Unless I have a duty, and then I shall be happy to taste you in the morning.”

  His mate had the gall to look exasperated, but she arched against him anyway.

  “Aren’t you going to fuck me?”

  “You want my cock inside you?” he teased. Kave already knew her answer, but delighted in hearing the answer anyway.

  “Yes. I want your big green cock inside me.”

  He didn’t think it was possible to have his tattoos emit any more of a glow, but his pleasure flickered across his skin as he slowly pushed into Humility, sliding into her as if he were built solely for that purpose. Kave paused above her, his cock fully sheathed in her wet heat. Humility wrapped her legs around him and then dug her nails into his ass.

  “Yes. Now fuck me.”

  Kave was only too happy to comply. The momentary displeasure of withdrawal was replaced with the delicious feeling of sliding back inside her again. He wanted to take his time, but after the second thrust, she dug her nails into him again, urging him onward, and Kave increased his pace, entering her faster, harder. He kept a careful eye on her face, but each time he pushed her further, her pleasure mounted until she tilted back her head and howled out her orgasm.

  It was too much, watching her face. Kave thrust deep inside her and took his own release, savoring the ultimate satisfaction of filling his mate with his seed. Kave rolled onto his back and gathered her in his arms. She was snoozing before his heart returned to its normal steady beat.

  Kave wanted a son. He wanted many sons. He felt a little shame at being so greedy, to want to impregnate his mate on their first joining. Many other warriors lauded a later pregnancy as it allowed the bond between mates to strengthen before adding the stress of a child. Kave suspected it was simply a way to compensate for the lack of immediate fertility and conception in a match.

  Kave ignored the fact that his cock was still hard and ready for a second joining. He had tired his poor mate out, and there would be plenty of time for pleasure later. For now, he was as content as his mate to snooze in her arms.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Humility wasn’t sure what awoke her. Kave had probably stirred in his sleep. She definitely wasn’t used to sleeping next to another person, or alien. The last time she’d done that had been when her father had dragged them out for survival training and her little sister had curled up in her arms to stay warm.

  Kave was definitely a very different experience than Wendy. Humility took her time observing his naked form, perfect from the top of his bald head to his wide, chiseled torso and his narrow hips. His tattoos were a faded greenish black of mysterious swirls on his skin, but Humility remembered how they had glowed and practically lit up the room as he’d hammered her with his grand cock. Even now, it was half hard. Humility ran a finger down the length of it, and couldn’t stop a smile when it rose up to meet her. It didn’t take much to get Kave rock hard and ready to party.

  Humility was sore. Over the past few days, she’d been using muscles she hadn’t used in ages, either to survive in the jungle to or fuck the sexy alien in bed next to her. She shouldn’t feel like straddling him and riding herself to another orgasm, but she did.

  It would serve him right, the way he’d just strolled into her bedroom and put his mouth on her most sensitive parts. Her pussy. Her cunt. Those parts of her that she’d spent years pretending didn’t exist, because she didn’t have the time, or the inclination to take care of yet another man. Her father and her brothers were trouble enough. But they were gone, far across the galaxy, and now she only had Kave to occupy her time, and he, at least, believed in making sure she had a grand time.

  Humility slowly repositioned herself and then, in one smooth motion, wrapped her hands around his shaft and licked the head like a lollipop. Kave’s reaction was instantaneous. Within a few seconds, he was completely hard, ready for a fucking. Humility had never had a cock in her mouth before, and now had seemed like the perfect time to try. Wrapping her lips around the head of his cock, exploring it with her tongue, she was beginning to think she liked it.

  Kave let out a breathy moan and his hand came up to cup the back of her head. His fingers tangled in her hair. Humility looked up for a moment to see his eyes open, staring intently at her and used that opportunity to take more of him in her mouth as she stroked his staff with her hands.

  Kave spoke, but in some garbled language that her translator didn’t recognize. Humility took that as a sign that he was enjoying himself. She increased pressure and teased the tip of his cock with her tongue. She knew he was close, nearly ready to fill her mouth.

  “Hue! I-”

  She didn’t let up. Instead, she bobbed her head up and down, fucking his cock with her mouth until his hips arched off the bed. His hands tangled tightened in her hair and he let out a shout of release.

  Humility, though prepared for his cum, did not expect such a large amount, flooding her mouth and then leaking out and down her chin. It was an explosi
on of sugar across her tastebuds, as if she’d eaten a wad of cotton candy. She reached out and wiped the trail off with her hand.

  “It’s sweet. And blue!” she exclaimed in surprise.

  “All Etlonian seed is blue. There is nothing wrong with blue.”



  “Yes. Oh.”

  “Is that a good ‘oh’, or a bad ‘oh’?”

  Humility didn’t answer him. Instead, she scrambled on top of him and impaled herself on his still rock solid cock.

  Kave let out a loud groan in response.

  “Is that a good ‘uh’, or a bad ‘uh’?” she teased.

  “Being inside you is better than the joy of killing a thousand Suhlik devils and bathing in their hot blood of.”

  “Exactly what a girl wants to hear when she’s riding a cock. That she’s better than being covered in blood.”

  “It is high praise.”

  “Oh, I’m sure it is.” His hands guided her up and down on his rod, slowing her natural inclination to screw him like a jackhammer. “Go faster.”

  “There’s no hurry.”

  “Yes, there is.”

  “My sweet.” He simply reached between them to play with her clit. Humility moaned and a moment later came hard, squeezing and pulsing on his cock. It did not increase his urgency, however. He simply let her collapse on top of him while he remained inside her.

  Kave waited until she started grinding her hips against him before he began wiggling his damn finger again.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Is that not what I am doing?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Do I?” The finger increased pressure on her clit.

  “I want you to spill that blue spunk inside me.” The thought of talking this dirty just a week ago would never have occurred to Humility, but she wanted, needed her alien husband to grind himself into her.